Friday, August 16, 2019


It's hard to know what to write most #christmaths15 because I'm all the same a fleck overwhelmed past times it all.

H5N1 few months agone I decided that I wanted to run an effect which would render an chance for teachers to beak most the novel GCSE. Importantly, I didn't desire it to last an effect but for tweeters - I wanted it to last opened upward to anyone who had an interest. Originally I was thinking of a cross betwixt a TeachMeet together with here) - a combination of CPD together with a social event. I've e'er enjoyed throwing parties together with Christmas seemed similar the ideal fourth dimension to create so.

Once I started contacting potential venues, I realised that it was going to last far to a greater extent than hard than I originally thought. I couldn't notice a large, well-located pub business office room that had AV facilities together with was available for gratis hire for a whole afternoon together with evening. I searched high together with depression together with was most to surrender when I stumbled upon Pause Bar, which is a business office venue located inwards the City of London - my stomping solid soil when I worked inwards Banking.
I was required to gild nutrient inwards advance which meant I had to accuse for tickets - this wasn't ideal because I was hoping to become far a gratis event, but I decided to have got a endangerment that people would last willing to pay. I booked it at half-term, putting downward a hefty deposit which wiped out my meagre savings. I straightaway regretted it! The pressure level was on.

Over the next calendar month my hubby was subjected to constant updates - 'I but sold some other ticket! Wooo!' together with 'I haven't sold a ticket inwards 2 days! This is a disaster' - that form of thing. Thankfully it did sell out pretty quickly, showing that in that place is strong need for events similar this. I ended upward amongst a waiting list.

I had a lot of decisions to brand - speakers, food, drinks, music, puzzles, quizzes, handouts... My budget was pretty tight together with then it was all real DIY (it took forever to impress the programmes on my domicile printer!). I did my best to become far all equally slick together with professional person equally possible. AQA real kindly provided materials relating to the novel GCSE (and gratis pens!). Emma Bell (@El_Timbre) provided puzzles together with Rob Beckett (@RBeckett_Yd) brought along copies of Chalkdust Magazine. I couldn't afford a DJ together with then did a playlist myself, together with I wrote my ain quiz (which is here, if you'd similar a go! Answers available on request). From the £25 ticket price, £2.50 went direct to EventBrite together with or together with then £22 went on food, gulp together with service. With the residue I bought everyone a Lindt teddy!
Thankfully things went good on the day. The venue looked pretty, sparkling amongst Christmas lights. The welcome drinks went downward good together with the nutrient was real nice. People seemed to have got a practiced time. Most importantly, the CPD was real good received. There were a twosome of problems -  the wifi was intermittent together with some people couldn't run across the hide from their seat. I'm hugely lamentable most these things. Otherwise I retrieve it was a success. I was incredibly anxious inwards the weeks leading upward to the effect together with then I'm real relieved it went quite smoothly on the day.

The speakers were brilliant. I knew they would be. I am hugely grateful to all of them. I volition write some other post most the fundamental ideas I took from their sessions, together with I volition percentage their presentations if I can.

Who bought me a Jägerbomb at 6.30pm?! You know who yous are! I had no chance of surviving the black inwards 1 slice afterward that. Mel (@Just_Maths) was on travel past times cast too, getting inwards circular afterward circular of Baby Guinness. For the final twosome of hours in that place were solely a dozen of us left but nosotros had such an awesome time.
Tweeters enjoying the party
Sambuca amongst Tom Quilter of (Rob Smith photoboming!)

I actually enjoyed chatting to together with then many lovely people - I can't listing them all hither but they know who they are. Huge thank yous to my friends who helped me develop everything upward at the showtime of the event, those who bought me drinks together with those who called me a taxi at the halt of the night. Thank yous also to everyone who either came to the effect or supported me inwards some agency (particularly my long-suffering husband!).

I was given a carte du jour which was signed past times my guests - I'm incredibly touched past times this. I volition treasure it.
I can't brand whatsoever promises that I'll run some other effect adjacent year! At times I was actually stressed most it all. It was surely the biggest projection I've ever taken on. Hosting a political party is hard operate together with at times I said 'never again', but I know what I'm similar - I can't resist! I'm non sure most the venue though, together with the jury's out on whether it volition last summertime or Christmas. Watch this space!

Finally, here's a Storify of the tweets from before, during together with afterward the event. It's lovely to read through together with run across how much people enjoyed themselves. I'm actually chuffed.

Merry Christmas everyone! From a real tired but happy @mathsjem.