Friday, October 11, 2019

18Th Century Arithmetic

My fascination amongst old mathematics textbooks continues. I've previously blogged close an algebra mass from the 1950s together with a Victorian textbook from 1885. But now... well, concord the forepart page, because @BTNMathsJam sent me a link to a digitised arithmetics textbook from over 300 years ago. Bear inwards heed that this was means before The Industrial Revolution. In the early on 1700s the population of England was exclusively around 5 1 thou m together with most people lived inwards poverty. Education inwards England was mainly for wealthy boys, together with focused largely on Latin together with Greek, morality, dependent area together with the Bible.
I've been reading the 22nd edition of Hodder's Arithmetick which dates from 1702 (there are too some earlier editions on Google Books). In this postal service I'm sharing some cool materials from this fascinating book, but because I honey it together with y'all powerfulness detect it interesting.

The Earliest Maths Textbooks
According to 'Early Schools together with School-Books of New England' (Littlefield, 1904), the earliest arithmetics printed inwards English linguistic communication was Robert Recorde's 'The Ground of Arts: Teaching the perfect function together with do of Arithmetic, both inwards whole Numbers together with Fractions, after a to a greater extent than easie together with exact cast together with thence inwards old fourth dimension hath been laid forth'.  This book, amongst its first-class snappy title, was written inwards 1540 inwards the cast of "a dialogue betweene the original together with the scholar; instruction the fine art together with purpose of arithmetics amongst pen". This mass remained pop for good over a hundred years, during which fourth dimension a issue of other arithmetics texts were published including plant yesteryear Baker, Wingate together with Oughtred. In 1661, the outset edition of 'Hodder's Arithmetick' was published inwards London together with was hugely successful, both inwards England together with America. James Hodder was a original of a writing schoolhouse inwards London.
In the 18th Century, arithmetics was taught inwards a similar means to writing. The instructor would supply a event from a mass that students would function out on a divide canvas of newspaper and, 1 time correct, it would hold upwards copied into a notebook known equally a ciphering book. This sounds a flake similar a modern approach involving students having a become on a mini-whiteboard before copying a groovy worked event into their exercise book.

Much of Hodder's Arithmetick is devoted to 'vocational' arithmetics - working amongst money, measures together with fourth dimension (for event 'the add-on of vino measures' which involves carrying hogsheads! Plus a whole chapter on 'The Rule of Barter').


The outset matter that jumped out at me inwards Hodder's Arithmetick was the purpose of the discussion cypher for zero.
"Numeration is that business office of arithmetick whereby 1 powerfulness rightly value, express, together with write whatever issue together with total propounded. To the attainment whereof, that all numbers are expressed yesteryear these characters following, whose uncomplicated value yesteryear themselves considered, y'all may hither receive got notice of
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, cypher.
 1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       0
The Cypher serves to brand upwards the issue of places, but of itself signifies nothing"

It's fascinating to come across the discussion cypher listed here. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 century later, Victorian textbooks used the discussion zero. You may hold upwards aware that the discussion null comes through the Standard Arabic literal translation of the Sanskrit śūnya, pregnant void or empty, into sifr. The discussion cipher or cypher was 1 time ordinarily used for null inwards the English linguistic communication language, but has come upwards to holler to encoding.

Hodder goes on to explicate house value.

'A prick amongst your pen betwixt every 3 figures' - forthwith known equally a comma.

Multiplication together with Division
The times tables are presented inwards Chapter 4:
Note the sensible lack of duplication (ie 7 x 6 is non listed because 6 x 7 has already been listed).

On learning multiplication tables, Hodder says "You must of necessity acquire it real perfectly yesteryear heart, before y'all tin plough over the sack brand whatever farther progress inwards this art". I'm amongst him on that.

In describing how to create long multiplication, Hodder tells the reader to hold rail of workings yesteryear crossing out digits inwards the multiplier when they've been dealt with.
"And having done amongst the outset Figure of the Multiplier, cancel it amongst a Dash of the Pen, together with proceed to the next..."
Cancel it amongst a dash of the pen! I honey this.

The description of the method for segmentation is a flake difficult to follow. It's similar to the curt segmentation method nosotros forthwith use, though the digits are placed inwards dissimilar positions throughout the calculation (eg the answer ends upwards to to the right of the 'crooked line' instead of at the top).
Hodder later on goes on to depict 'a to a greater extent than slow means of division, together with amongst fewer figures'.
"I volition non stand upwards to shew y'all to a greater extent than of this mutual means of division, which is indeed real ho-hum together with burdensome to the memory, together with hath caused (to my knowledge) many to despair of attaining it, together with to proceeding farther inwards this art. But proceed yesteryear the method following, which volition enable 1 to become on amongst far to a greater extent than ease together with please together with thence ordinarily is seen". 
I tried to follow Hodder's 'easier method' but started to lose the volition to live, thence gave up.

The department on segmentation ends amongst a glorious all the same terrifying event which takes upwards an entire page.
The adjacent chapter inwards the mass is reduction, together with thence nosotros receive got fractions followed yesteryear 'The Rule of Three' (also known equally 'The Golden Rule', which involves proportional reasoning). However, after reading the segmentation chapter, my encephalon needs a rest! I volition proceed to part the delights of Hodder inwards a subsequent weblog post. In the meantime, y'all tin plough over the sack read the whole mass here. Enjoy!