Saturday, October 12, 2019

What Did Ane Miss?

Hello summer! We made it.

What a year... During term fourth dimension it tin give notice live difficult to hold rails of what's going inwards maths pedagogy because we're all besides busy planning lessons, teaching in addition to marking. The mass of mock marker this twelvemonth was insane, alongside many of us having to grade 200 GCSE papers. In this postal service I summarise but about of the things that busy maths teachers powerfulness direct hold missed during schoolhouse twelvemonth 2016/17.

Lots of novel resources direct hold been made available to maths teachers this year. launched inwards September, in addition to websites such equally Mr Carter Maths, MathsPad, MathsBot in addition to CorbettMaths direct hold continued to grow (see my serial of posts virtually these websites here). The White Rose Maths Hub continues to render high lineament resources, assessments in addition to schemes of move for master copy schools in addition to Key Stage 3, in addition to the examination boards croak along to render helpful GCSE resources (such equally Edexcel's new content resources which were published dorsum inwards September).

Although Dan Walker's resources which I absolutely love.

Don Steward continues to live ane of my favourite resources authors, in addition to on the @team_maths1 Twitter trouble concern human relationship I part all his novel resources when they are published. 

The maths community's collection of Increasingly Difficult Questions
  • New collections of multiple alternative questions from the examination boards, the White Rose Maths Hub in addition to UKMT on

  • Do cheque out my resource libraries for recommended resources past times topic for Key Stages 3 - 5.

    This twelvemonth many teachers direct hold used long commutes or lazy Dominicus afternoons equally an chance to heed to Craig Barton's bright podcasts. These are good worth a listen.

    To hold on overstep of the latest pedagogy research, cheque out Craig's research page where he summarises findings from a maths teacher's perspective, in addition to the serial of Espressos ('a minor but intense draught of filtered enquiry on mathematics education') from Cambridge Maths.

    I went to all 3 of La Salle's maths conferences inwards 2016/17 in addition to they were excellent. These direct hold house on Saturdays in addition to are really affordable - if you've non been to ane before, endeavour to come upward along to here.
    Ed Southall, Craig Barton in addition to me
    (enjoying pre-conference drinks at #mathsconf9)

    There were loads of fantastic events inwards 2016/17, including Christmaths, Maths inwards the Sticks, 2 Mixed Attainment Maths Conferences in addition to the JustMaths Conference. There were also local events organised past times Maths Hubs, LIME in addition to ATM/MA branches. There is ever a lot going on for maths teachers - I've pulled together conference listings for 2017/18 on this page.

    Ed Southall's book 'here.

    I launched my novel CPD projection 'Topics inwards Depth' inwards June - I volition live doing a lot of hap this projection over summertime in addition to then sentinel this space.

    Me presenting my starting fourth dimension 'topics inwards depth' workshop at a ATM/MA London branch conference

    Blog posts
    There direct hold been lots of weblog posts virtually maths pedagogy this twelvemonth that I highly recommend to maths teachers. These include Mark McCourt's maths anxiety inwards teachers, my postal service virtually what's working good inwards my Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 grade teaching, in addition to my 2 posts virtually my folder experiment. See my weblog archive for a total listing of posts.

    The novel GCSE
    The starting fourth dimension sitting of GCSE nine - 1 was a actually exciting 2d for maths teachers, subsequently years of preparation. In the run-up to exams lots of teachers shared helpful resources, included Mel's revision resources post, in addition to the 'best guess' papers in addition to revision lists produced betwixt examination papers past times a issue of helpful resources makers. The collaboration inwards the maths teaching community was outstanding.

    Other highlights
    It's been such a busy twelvemonth inwards maths pedagogy - hither are another highlights you lot powerfulness direct hold missed:
    • The maths teaching community celebrated the life of the belatedly Professor Malcolm Swan on #malcolmswanday. Teachers shared their favourite Malcolm Swan resources in addition to activities. It was lovely. 
    • To banish the Jan blues, I ran a World Cup of Maths where teachers voted for their favourite topic to learn at GCSE.
    • The Education Team from Bletchley Park visited schools for gratis equally business office of their Ultra Outreach Programme, to the please of students in addition to teachers all over the country.
    • The novel Maths in addition to Further Maths Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 grade specifications were accredited. I've lately published my novel A grade back upward page in addition to volition croak along to weblog virtually the novel Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 grade over summer.
    • Maths pedagogy received a lot of tidings coverage. This included my article inwards Schools Week at Easter in addition to TES's coverage of the MA's poll on Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 grade uptake.
    • After a long delay, the Smith Report was lastly published!
    • Times Tables Rockstars featured on BBC Breakfast. My schoolhouse sent a squad to the London Rock Wrangle for the starting fourth dimension time, in addition to they loved it.

    My squad at the Rock Wrangle!

    There's enough going on over summer. No incertitude in that place volition live press coverage of maths on GCSE results day. Book immediately for #mathsconf12 inwards Dunfermline on 19th August, in addition to for my #summaths lawsuit at Bletchley Park on 27th August.

    It's been a busy year! If you lot missed anything, I promise this postal service has helped you lot select handgrip of up.