Thursday, November 7, 2019

National Ict Accolade For 2010

It is a nifty accolade for me getting felicitated yesteryear hon'ble President of Republic of Republic of India Sh. Pranab Mukherjee amongst National ICT Award on September 5, 2012 at Vigyan Bhawan. I give cheers God for approving me amongst this 2nd inwards my life. I sincerely limited my gratitude to Principal Mrs Pammi Datta for her guidance, encouragement, motivation, organized faith as well as support. I convey never ever seen a sort human beingness similar her. I give cheers my respectable parents, relatives as well as friends for ever supporting me as well as helping me. I am thankful to everyone who said yes! as well as said no!. Whatever I am is all because of experiences whether adept or bad. Students are my forcefulness as well as energy. I limited sincere regards to all my teachers who taught me my lessons. My sincere cheers to all those who are reading this post. You convey played a pregnant purpose inwards my making every bit an e teacher. Thank you.