Thursday, August 15, 2019

Structured Revision Lessons

Revision flavor is upon us! I mainly instruct examination classes (Year 11, 12 together with 13) therefore examination grooming is currently a big focus for me. For Year 12 I experience a feel of urgency - I alone finished teaching the C2 specification yesterday together with their C1 examination is fast approaching. Eek.

Thankfully I finished teaching my Year 11s the GCSE specification at the goal of final term, leaving me a proficient twenty lessons for revision. I instruct a transcend develop - their target grades hit from five to 8 together with I hollo upwards their electrical flow grades in all likelihood hit from iv to 9.

Throughout the twelvemonth I've been drawing upwards a listing of topics that I request to reteach. The listing is really long! It includes indices, constructions, bounds, congruence, linear graphs together with algebraic fractions. This data generally came from mark mocks, plus the weekly quizzes we've done over the final 2 years. I too used AQA's revision list to banking enterprise jibe that I hadn't missed anything on the specification. 

Unlike previous years, I'm next a develop format inwards my Year xi revision lessons. Routine industrial plant good amongst my students. 

On arrival to each lesson they notice a Corbett Maths 5-a-day on their desk. This is printed on A5, double sided. On the front end is a develop of Higher questions, on the dorsum is Higher Plus. This combination is precisely the correct pitch for my students - fifty-fifty the strongest are finding the Higher Plus questions sufficiently challenging, therefore no i is getting bored. These 5-a-day exercises are perfect for getting students to revise a mixture of topics, including the topics that I can't devote an entire revision lesson to. When they larn stuck they inquire me for manage or confer amongst a friend. It takes quite a piece for my students to operate through these questions - a proficient xv to twenty minutes to consummate both sides. Then I become through the answers, briefly summarising the primal points for each of the topics covered.

This leaves me one-half the lesson to focus on a detail topic - for illustration i lesson final calendar week focused on circle theorems, or therefore other on similarity. I verbalize for most 10 to xv minutes, reminding my students of the primal points together with mutual misconceptions, together with running through an examination enquiry or two. Some years agone I realised the importance of this teacher-led instructional chemical factor of revision lessons. If they're struggling amongst a topic, they won't magically larn ameliorate without or therefore additional teaching.

I together with therefore plow over them xv to twenty minutes worth of practise questions focused on that topic. For illustration inwards my revision lesson on chemical compound measures they completed Papers Society. Churchill papers are quite challenging. Next calendar week I intend to start quizzing my course of report on facts together with formulae. But most of my lessons volition proceed to follow the format described above.

Three weeks together with counting until the outset GCSE exam!

Maths Exam Meme Posters from Paul Collins