Thursday, September 5, 2019

5 Maths Gems #13

In my gems posts I portion roughly of the best teaching ideas I've seen on Twitter each week. This is my 13th gems post. I promise you're non triskaidekaphobic.

1. Flying Numbers
At Julia Smith's (@tessmaths) creativity workshop at the lastly maths conference, she shared an activeness inwards which students brand 'Flying Numbers' to hang from the ceiling inwards the classroom or corridor. It industrial plant similar this: they direct a release in addition to brand that release from forest inwards Design & Technology (drill a hole at the overstep for hanging). They pigment their release in addition to then role fine markers or chalk pens to decorate it amongst facts virtually that number. This is a lovely chance for students to role the cyberspace to explore release properties in addition to detect out all sorts of wonderful mathematical things that are non on the curriculum. The examples below were made at the maths conference - it was a actually enjoyable exercise.
Ed Southall (post virtually teaching a binary lesson).

Alice inwards FractalLand is a stunning animated slideshow. Show it to your shape in addition to explore sequences, fractals, the golden ratio in addition to more. The text at the bottom explains each concept really clearly. I love this! This is just the kind of affair I was referring to inwards my postal service 'A house for gimmicks?' when I said that nosotros should brand fourth dimension to enrich our students' instruction amongst interesting mathematics that is non on the GCSE syllabus.
  • The Primary and Secondary Treasure Hunts are really good designed. Full instructions are included in addition to in that place are questions on areas of mathematics such every bit cryptography, primes in addition to probability. The questions are rather challenging for the intended historic catamenia groups - if I was organising an inter-school maths contender in addition to then I mightiness role these questions.
  • The video collection is due to grow - an exciting prospect if this 2 infinitesimal wordless video exploring triangles is a gustatory modality of things to come. 

  • 3. Imbalance Problems
    If you're non familiar amongst Don Steward's resources in addition to then halt reading this postal service straight off in addition to banking concern lucifer out his mobiles', in addition to then 'mobile inequalities' in addition to finally 'mobile moments'.

    In mobiles, the activities kickoff amongst release problems that larn progressively harder, in addition to then motion on to algebraic balancing problems. Here's a numerical instance which tin live solved amongst arithmetics in addition to logic (fill inwards the missing weights thence that everything balances correctly). 
    There are lots of variations, such every bit this 1 where the weights must add together upwardly to the release inwards the triangle (this is a straightforward example):
    The algebraic problems railroad train skills inwards writing algebraically in addition to simplifying expressions. In the occupation below, students accept to consummate the missing weights to brand the combined hanging weight equal to 8n.
    These are dandy problems. Check out all 3 posts to run into how Mr Steward developed the idea. It's every bit good worth reading Paul Salomon's (last week's gems post has paid off - both Debbie Hart ‏(@Debbie_Hart_UK) and Jane Appleton (‏@JaneAppleton24) accept tried it.

    I've been busy writing a postal service virtually circle theorems which volition live attain soon. Also, later seeing roughly dandy Halloween in addition to Guy Fawkes maths resources, I've started to collate a 'seasonal resources' page. I've seen thence many adept Christmas resources, it's difficult to direct the best only I'm getting there.

    So in that place yous go, my 13th gems post. It wasn't scary at all.

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