Friday, September 6, 2019

Make Feel Of Adding As Well As Subtracting Integers

Adding as well as subtracting integers tin hold upward a tough concept for middle schoolhouse math students to comprehend.  Especially if students conduct maintain been taught that subtract ever way to become smaller. I wanted to percentage about tried as well as truthful successful ways to learn students how to successfully add together as well as subtract integers. 

1)  Use divulge lines:  Number lines are essential when introducing adding as well as subtracting amongst integers.  I ever establish it easier to hand students a newspaper amongst a bunch of divulge lines on them  to speed upward the procedure of teaching.  Having students depict divulge lines for each work tin accept a lot of time.  Another affair that I conduct maintain done was to hand students ane divulge draw of piece of work inward a protective sheet.  Then they role a depict erase marking to depict on the divulge draw of piece of work for each problem.  They tin only erase the arrows later each problem.  Also, students dear dry out erase they ever creates extra engagement.

2)  Teach subtraction every bit adding the opposite, therefore conduct maintain students rewrite subtraction problems into add-on problems.  For example, five - (-3) changes to five + 3, because you lot add together the contrary of the mo number.  Another example, -4 - half-dozen changes to -4 + (-6).  Having students circle the mo divulge likewise helps those struggling amongst distinguishing betwixt the subtraction sign as well as the negative sign.  You mightiness ask to remind students that when in that place is no written sign such every bit inward -4 - 6, therefore half-dozen is positive, but therefore you lot volition flip it to a negative.  

3)  Lots of do amongst basic numbers:  Don't saltation to adding as well as subtracting large value integers until they conduct maintain a actually proficient conceptual understanding.  Do lots as well as lots of divulge lines as well as rewriting subtraction into addition. 

I created some FREE ADDING AND SUBTRACTING INTEGERS STATIONS for you! Click hither to become yours now!