Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Assignment Polynomials Degree 9

Polynomials (Multiple Choice Questions)
1.       The value of k, for which the polynomial x3 – 3x2 + 3x + k has three every moment its zilch is
a)      9
b)      -3
c)       -9
d)      12
2.       Which of the next is a zilch of the polynomial x3 + 3x2 – 3x -1?
a)      1
b)      2
c)       -1
d)      -2
3.       On factorizing –x2 + 5x -6, nosotros get
a)      (x-2)(x-3)
b)      (2+x)(3-x)
c)       (2-x)(3-x)
d)      –(2-x)(3-x)
4.       The factors of (2x-3y)3 +(3y-4z)3+8(2z-x)3 are
a)      2x X 3y X 4z
b)      2(2x-3y)(3y-4z)(2z-x)
c)       6(2x-3y)(3y-4z)(2z-x)
d)      3(2x-3y)(3y-4z)(2z-x)
5.       If P(x) = cx + d, together with hence zilch of polynomial volition be
a)      –d/c
b)      d/c
c)       c/d
d)      –c/d

Fill inward the blanks
1.      The value of P (-1) when P(x) is x3 – 3x2 + five is………..
2.      On factorizing 8p2 – 16q2, nosotros popular off …………..
3.      The zilch of polynomial P(x) =  cx + d is ……..
4.      The coefficient of x inward –x+t is …………..
5.      Degree of (4x-3)(3x3+4) is ………..
6.      On expanding (Ö2x + 3)3 , nosotros popular off ………….
7.      The value of k, if (x+1) is a share of 3x2 +x + k is ………….
8.      When x41 + 41 is divided past times (x+1), the residuum volition live on ……
9.      The value of f(Ö3), when f(x) = 3x 3+ x is …………………
10.  The criterion shape of 6q– 7q2+6q3 is …………….