Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Algebraic Hcf As Well As Lcm

The theme 'Highest Common Factor too Lowest Common Multiple' is 1 where there's a lot of range for dependent area cognition development. There is therefore much for both teachers too students to explore inwards this topic. Ask a grouping of maths teachers how they uncovering the highest mutual factor of 2 numbers too I await a issue of dissimilar methods volition endure mentioned. There is no universally accepted 'best way'. I wrote well-nigh a issue of alternative approaches back inwards 2015.

Identifying Highest Common Factors
When I recollect of highest mutual factor questions, I recollect of questions involving integers. For about argue I've never taught a lesson on 'Highest Common Factor of Algebraic Terms'. On reflection, I recollect it powerfulness truly assist develop pupil agreement of the underlying concepts.

Look at these 2 examples:

Find the Highest Common Factor of 420 too 96
Find the Highest Common Factor of 10ab and 5a2b2

In the kickoff instance nosotros desire to uncovering the greatest integer that is a factor of both 420 too 96. The most conceptually clear approach is to listing all the factors of 420 too all the factors of 96 too therefore uncovering the biggest factor that's on both lists. But it tin convey a piece to listing all the factors, therefore nosotros ofttimes purpose primes to acquire inwards at the respond to a greater extent than quickly. We write

420 = 2 x 2 x 3 x five x 7
96 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3

Many students therefore purpose a Venn method to position the highest mutual factor. I suspect that although students tin follow the Venn physical care for fairly easily, they may non truly know what's going on. When educational activity this from kickoff principles, it's helpful to rewrite the factors similar this

420 = 2 x 2 x 3 x five x vii = 12 x 35
96 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 12 x 8

And therefore it's therefore much clearer why 12 is the highest mutual factor.

The extract below is taken from 'New General Mathematics' (first published inwards 1956 too withal inwards purpose inwards the 1980s). We tin run into the conceptual agreement beingness embedded much to a greater extent than carefully than it is now. Whereas modern textbooks ofttimes restrain straight to questions similar 'find the HCF too LCM of 45 too 60', which requires a issue of separate skills, hither nosotros tin run into isolation of the specific science 'identify the mutual factors'. This seems a far to a greater extent than sensible starting betoken from a cognitive charge perspective.

Students are non required to do the prime number factorisation first, nor are they beingness asked to uncovering both a HCF too LCM. They are only selecting the mutual prime number factors. In the kickoff question, all 3 numbers comprise 3 x 3, pregnant they are all multiples of 9. There is no other factor that appears in all three numbers, therefore nine is the highest mutual factor. Later inwards the exercise students volition demand to do the prime number factorisation themselves, but non yet.
Of course, the persuasion is the same for the algebraic terms. But it's easier, because it's instantly clear what the algebraic factors are:

10ab3 = 2 x 5 x a x b x b x b = 5ab2 x 2b
5a2b= 5 x a x a x b x b 5ab2 x a

For numbers, finding a highest mutual factor tin convey a flake of locomote - it's harder to position the factors of a issue than the factors of an algebraic term. But the underlying mathematical concept is identical. Perhaps it powerfulness fifty-fifty endure ameliorate to start amongst algebra earlier moving onto numbers.

Factorising with Highest Common Factors
Factorising an algebraic facial expression past times identifying the highest mutual factor of 2 or to a greater extent than damage is relatively slowly 1 time y'all sympathise how index musical note works.

10ab+ 5a2b2  = 5ab2(2b + a)

We don't ofttimes factorise inwards the same agency amongst numbers, but it's fun to play with:

 Factorise 56 + 42

Here nosotros convey out the highest mutual factor, giving us 14(4 + 3). And this is nice, because nosotros tin at nowadays run into that 56 + 42 is the same equally fourteen x 7. That's because it's iv lots of fourteen addition 3 lots of 14.

Here's about other one:

Factorise 24 + 36

Here nosotros convey out the highest mutual factor of 12, giving us 12(2 + 3). So nosotros tin at nowadays run into that 24 + 36 is the same equally 12 x 5. Which is obvious when y'all recollect well-nigh it, because it's (12 + 12) + (12 + 12 + 12). It's fun to play amongst numbers similar this.

There are enough of fun numerical factorisation questions inwards textbooks, one-time too new.
Identifying Lowest Common Multiples
Identifying lowest mutual multiples using primes tin endure quite conceptually challenging. Students tin endure successful when using Venn methods too similar, but I bet few would endure able to explicate how their method works.

I similar this introduction from a 1950s textbook for starting to gear upwardly an agreement of what's going on:

What factors must necessarily endure inwards a issue therefore that 2, five too vii volition split upwardly into it exactly?

What factors must necessarily endure inwards a issue therefore that 3, 2 x 3 too 3 x five volition split upwardly into it exactly?

What factors must necessarily endure inwards a issue therefore that 4x, 2ax too 6a volition split upwardly into it exactly?

I recollect it powerfulness endure worth developing this equally a starting betoken when introducing this topic.

At principal school, students larn to add together too subtract fractions using lowest mutual denominators, but they may non realise that inwards doing therefore they are truly finding LCMs. I wonder if nosotros could brand ameliorate links to this prior knowledge.

Questions for Developing Fluency
This query came upwardly inwards an AQA mock end year:
AQA GCSE Practice Set 4 (Paper 1H) 

When mark this I noticed that although I hadn't covered it straight amongst my students, most were able to locomote it out using their agreement of HCF too LCM.

Later I stumbled upon a huge laid of questions just similar this! The extract below is from Elementary Algebra for Schools, a textbook from the belatedly 1800s that has been fully digitised.

It makes a lot of feel to develop fluency here, earlier moving onto related skills such equally factorisation into unmarried brackets too simplifying algebraic fractions.

The mass takes this concept a lot further, looking at LCMs too HCFs of chemical compound expressions including quadratics too cubics.
This chapter on algebraic lowest mutual multiples comes earlier the chapter on 'Adding too Subtracting Algebraic Fractions'. This makes a lot of sense!

When I instruct adding algebraic fractions I don't straight instruct the separate science of finding the LCM of algebraic expressions beforehand. Perhaps I should. To add together or subtract algebraic fractions similar those shown below, at that spot are a issue of fundamental skills:
1. identifying the lowest mutual multiple of the denominators
2. converting fractions therefore they part a denominator
3. adding the numerators 1 time the fractions conduct maintain the same denominator
4. simplifying
There's a lot going on here. We demand to convey these skills 1 at a time.
There are dozens to a greater extent than pages on algebraic highest mutual factor too lowest mutual multiple inwards this Victorian textbook. It was clearly a large business office of secondary schoolhouse mathematics inwards the 1800s.

There are similar activities inwards textbooks from the 1950s. They comprise loads of practise on HCF too LCM of algebraic damage too expressions.
In stark contrast, at that spot are alone a handful of relatively simple questions inwards a modern GCSE textbook on the same skill:

It's funny how things change.

I promise you've works life this useful, or if non useful therefore at to the lowest degree interesting! If y'all conduct maintain anything to part regarding algebraic highest mutual factor too lowest mutual multiple, delight tweet me or comment below. Thanks for reading.

Gcse Breakfast Warm Ups: The Concluding Set

Following on from my previous ii posts well-nigh breakfast warm upwardly activities, I accept at nowadays published the in conclusion laid of resources hither (Set B):

Breakfast GCSE Warm Ups - Calculator

As alongside the in conclusion set, there are ii levels for Foundation in addition to ii levels for Higher. Each canvas contains xx quick questions which I've non numbered then that students tin laissez passer on the axe operate on them inward whatsoever order. I promise these help students experience confident going into the examination adjacent Tuesday.

These resources are suitable for all awarding bodies. I accept designed them to move used every yr for the foreseeable hereafter - they are definitely non tailored for this year's exams. If you lot desire to edit these resources to take away topics that accept already come upwardly up inward Papers ane in addition to 2, experience complimentary - I accept provided Word versions then you lot tin laissez passer on the axe create so.

Do proceed an oculus on Adam Creen's (blog post for updates on resources specifically designed for adjacent week's Paper 3.

Good luck! We're on the domicile straight off now.

5 Maths Gems #90

Welcome to my 90th gems post. This is where I part unopen to of the latest news, ideas too resources for maths teachers.

1. Probability Task
Thanks to John Rowe (@MrJohnRowe) for sharing this challenging probability puzzle. If you lot similar this too hence you'll honour similar tasks for a broad make of topics on the fantastic website which I've blogged close before.

2. Exam Wrapper
Thanks to Alice Leung (@aliceleung) for sharing an exam wrapper for students to consummate later on an assessment. I similar it that students are asked to reverberate on whether they did sufficient grooming for the exam.
 3. Number Properties Puzzle
Here's a groovy issue puzzle from @OCR_Maths.
4. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Level
If your Year 12s bring internal exams coming up, you lot mightiness honour my revision quizzes for pure too statistics helpful. I've told my students to impress off a charge of these too essay themselves at habitation until they larn everything right. The statistics quiz has a huge issue of definitions! 
There was a helpful give-and-take close Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 marking taster lessons on Twitter this week, initiated past times Adam Creen (@adamcreen). You tin read the total thread here. I bring industrial plant life inwards the past times that Pascal too Binomial works well. I've besides used Susan Wall's lovely 'Find the coordinates' business successfully equally a starter activity inwards Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 marking taster lessons.
5. Euclid
Thanks to @MrsMathematica for sharing this video close Euclid - I enjoyed watching this.

Also banking concern fit out The History of Non-Euclidian Geometry - Squaring the Circle and The History of Non-Euclidian Geometry - The Great Quest.

In representative you lot missed it, I late wrote a dependent champaign cognition post service close algebraic highest mutual element too lowest mutual multiple. Writing this made me rethink my approach to teaching this topic. 

I besides published 3 sets of breakfast warm upwardly resources for both Higher too Foundation GCSE. It's been lovely to encounter hence many schools using these to calm nerves too warm upwardly brains on the morn of exams.

I besides published a fix of Year 3 topics inwards depth packs created past times Nikki Martin - delight part these amongst principal colleagues.

There bring been a issue of practiced maths teaching weblog posts lately that are worth reading, including:

I'm looking frontward to presenting at post close this concluding year.

If you're coming to the conference, impress a re-create of my #mathsconf15 bingo inwards advance too play along on the day.

Finally, did you lot encounter these awesome biscuits made past times Ella Dickson (@elladickson) for her Year xiii students? Amazing!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Conference Circular Trip

I was really fortunate to receive got the chance to introduce at ii splendid maths conferences over the finally few days. On Sabbatum I was at La Salle’s #mathsconf15 inwards Manchester, together with on Mon I was at the JustMaths conference at Alton Towers. I did a 3 nighttime circular trip, travelling past times prepare amongst a huge backpack.

I used to set out really detailed write ups of every maths conference I attended - inwards fact I used to live on i of the alone people who did so. But immediately at that topographic point are loads of teachers blogging most conferences. This is fantastic! I love seeing so much enthusiasm for maths teaching. So I won’t become into cracking item most the conferences inwards this postal service - non because I didn’t receive got a cracking fourth dimension together with larn a lot, but simply because y'all tin read far meliorate write ups elsewhere.

If y'all create desire to hear my personal reflections inwards to a greater extent than detail, I recommend y'all hear to the ii conference takeaway podcasts that I've recorded amongst Craig Barton. The #mathsconf15 podcast is already out, together with the JustMaths podcast volition live on out adjacent week.
At #mathsconf15 I presented on Indices inwards Depth. This presentation took me months to describe together! I've shared the slides here, but send inwards hear they brand a lot to a greater extent than feel when I utter through them:

Do receive got a become at the problems inwards the handout if y'all receive got a few minutes. Delegates showed me multiple approaches to the terminal question.

The thought behind my slides is that y'all tin introduce them yourself at schoolhouse when your subdivision is most to learn indices. Links together with sources are inwards the notes at the bottom of each slide.

I promise to follow this upwardly amongst a presentation on fractional together with negative indices at a futurity conference. My amount collection of 'topics inwards depth' packs (which is growing really very slowly) is available here.

If you'd similar to read most the telephone commutation points from my workshop so banking concern represent out the conference write-ups from these lovely bloggers: Jess Prior, Atul Rana, Danielle Moosajee, Ed Watson, Richard Tock together with Rachel Mahoney.

In reply to a tweet most my workshop, Susan Russo (@Dsrussosusan) replied amongst a vivid powers resource from YummyMath that I'd non seen before:
I love this. I've added it to my number resources library.

At the Tweet Up I did around filming for my 'Pronunciation Project'. Thank y'all to everyone who agreed to live on filmed - such helpful people! Sorry most the parallelepiped...! I'll portion the terminal video soon. I simply demand to go out how to edit it inwards the means I desire it.
What I loved most talking to maths teachers most the means they tell things is that I learnt around fascinating stuff. Esther (@MrsMathematica) teaches inwards Belfast together with she told me that they tell the discussion 'upon' to dot at that topographic point is a bracket present. So for lawsuit they say 4(x+2) every bit "4 upon x + 2". And they say (x+2)(x+3) as "x + 2 upon x +3" amongst distinct pauses inwards for certain places to tell y'all it is double brackets. I had no idea! This is so interesting.

Watch out for my videos, coming soon!

JustMaths Conference
Like finally year, the JustMaths Conference was wonderfully quirky together with unique. The large audience of over 200 maths teachers stayed together all 24-hour interval instead of going to dissimilar workshops. There were presentations from the awarding bodies, Ofqual, me, Craig Barton, together with the organisers Chris together with Mel. I did a curt session on resources, together with was rather nervous given the size of the audience.

I absolutely loved the session Graham Cumming from Edexcel did at the terminate of the 24-hour interval - he talked us through around of the contextual questions from this year's GCSE exams together with shared around hilarious educatee tweets.
After the conference nosotros had around fourth dimension inwards Alton Towers. I enjoyed a really pleasant ride on the rapids amongst David Faram, Craig Barton together with other conference delegates. I overcame my fears together with queued upwardly for the novel Wicker Man ride but it broke downwards because of the hot conditions together with nosotros gave upwardly inwards the end! I'll endeavour that i over again adjacent year.
Laden downwards amongst my heavy backpack, I finally got abode shortly afterwards midnight on Mon night. I am exhausted. Teaching today was especially difficult work!

Thank y'all to all the conference organisers, together with to everyone who presented. I got a lot out of both conferences. Also, thank y'all to everyone who kept me companionship over the weekend! It was cracking to pick out handgrip of upwardly amongst so many lovely people. Special thank y'all to:
  • Megan Guinan for helping me out at the TweetUp where I took multitasking a pace every bit good far
  • Mariana Don Bosco for beingness such splendid companionship on the prepare to Manchester (Pythagorean triple proofs are my novel favourite thing)
  • Tom Bennison for kindly filming my pronunciation videos
  • Rob Smith for running the MA stand upwardly together with getting me a fabulous gratis t shirt from the guys at Texthelp
  • Craig Barton together with David Faram for beingness my theme commons buddies together with forcing me to live on brave!

I'm actually looking forwards doing a keynote at the BBO Maths Hub Secondary Conference adjacent week. But until then, afterwards my long weekend of conferences, I demand a rest...!

5 Maths Gems #91

Welcome to my 91st gems post. This is where I percentage merely about of the latest news, ideas in addition to resources for maths teachers.

1. World Cup Box Plots
Thanks to Southborough Maths (@Mathsteam1) for sharing these box plots created past times @johnwmillr. They present the distributions of acme past times seat for players inwards the World Cup. They brand for smashing discussions with students, in addition to supply a prissy demonstration of how box plots tin assistance us brand comparisons.
I've been using a like laid of graphs for years, every fourth dimension I instruct box plots (see my post on teaching box plots for to a greater extent than on this). It ever goes downwards well.
2. Variation Theory
Last calendar week Craig Barton launched a novel website packed sum of sets of good written questions for intelligent practice. Do banking enterprise friction match out if y'all haven't already seen it.
'Rearranging formulae' past times Danielle Moosajee
'Mixed Bases' past times Joe Berwick 

Like Craig's other resources websites (SSDDs, Venns in addition to Diagnostic Questions), y'all tin submit your ain resources for inclusion on this website.

3. Fractions
Thanks to Berkeley Everett‏ (@BerkeleyEverett) for sharing this animation. This tin endure found, along alongside loads of other smashing animations, on the Math Visuals website. 
4. Compound Shapes
Thanks to Mark Ives (@MarkIvesTeach) for showing us how he used Numicon to back upwards students inwards identifying the lengths of sides inwards chemical compound shapes.
5. Coordinates Problems
Thanks to Dave Taylor (@taylorda01) for a sharing a laid of challenging coordinates problems (see this tweet in addition to this tweet) . Here are a duet of examples:

Do maths teachers all nation things inwards the same way? At the Tweet Up inwards Manchester in conclusion weekend, I recorded a grouping of teachers maxim words that I've heard pronounced differently past times dissimilar maths teachers. I've picked 3 of these words for the start video from my pronunciation project:

Thank y'all to everyone who took part! It may non endure the most exciting video ever but I mean value it's actually interesting that students postulate heed dissimilar things from dissimilar teachers.

Here are a few other things y'all powerfulness stimulate got missed recently:

Ten years afterward nosotros did our PGCE together, I finally met upwards alongside Colin Hegarty! He came to my schoolhouse to launch Hegarty Maths at our start annual trust maths conference. This is actually exciting - Hegarty Maths is awesome. I loved trialling it alongside my Year 11s this year. Thank y'all to both Colin in addition to Simon Petri from the Surrey Plus Maths Hub for their fantabulous presentations.

It's all been a fleck crazy lately. Next calendar week I stimulate got an AQA Expert Panel Meeting, the BBO Maths Hub conference, a TTRS Rock Wrangle trip, in addition to prom. Then I tin relax!

I'll learn out y'all alongside this lovely ingredient tree puzzle from Sarah Carter (@mathequalslove), inspired by @HaroldReiter.

A Expect Dorsum At Surds

This twelvemonth I've written a position out of posts most maths textbooks from the final 300 years. Buying together with reading historical maths textbooks has fast larn my favourite hobby - it's fascinating, together with it has done a lot for developing my plain of written report cognition this year.

Subject cognition for maths teachers isn't only most beingness able to produce the maths - that's the slowly flake - it's too most knowing how to explicate concepts clearly, knowing multiple methods together with approaches, knowing mutual misconceptions, knowing history, etymology, narrative together with and then on. So, inwards the involvement of plain of written report cognition development, today I convey you lot closed to maths from the past. I'm focusing on surds hither (because everyone loves surds!), together with I promise to convey you lot similar posts most other topics over the coming months.

In Elementary Algebra for Schools (Hall & Knight, 1885), the chapter entitled 'Elementary Surds' starts amongst closed to definitions:

Whether we'd even together with then variety those algebraic damage every bit surds is debatable, but otherwise the wording of the definition ('when a root cannot hold upwardly just obtained') has been pretty consistent over the years. Here it is 1 time to a greater extent than inwards 'A Shorter Algebra' (Baker & Bourne, 1927):
The mass subsequently goes on to advert to 'surdic expressions' - I've never used the give-and-take surdic together with I'd similar to come across it dorsum inwards mutual usage!
In 'The Essentials of School Algebra' (Mayne, 1961) nosotros accept the next definition of surd, which offers to a greater extent than clarity past times providing a few examples together with non-examples:
All iii books explicate what is meant past times the 'order' of surds. There are exercises on transforming surds of different orders into surds of the same venture - something that nosotros don't produce inwards secondary mathematics anymore.

Note too that surds of venture 2 were sometimes referred to every bit 'quadratic surds'. This is closed to other human face that nosotros seem to accept lost from our secondary schoolhouse vocabulary. We at 1 time bargain almost solely amongst quadratic surds, inwards fact I accept seen a position out of websites together with resources claim that only square roots tin hold upwardly called surds, which is only evidently wrong.
Contrast the precise vocabulary together with detailed definitions inwards quondam textbooks amongst the disappointing 1 work description nosotros accept inwards a modern 24-hour interval textbook (Edexcel GCSE Maths, OUP, 2016).
I wonder why textbook authors gave upwardly on thorough definitions.

Interestingly, quondam textbooks claim that the purpose of surds isn't absolutely necessary because, amongst extensive position out operate (ie using the procedure of evolution to respect roots), nosotros tin respect the value of whatsoever surd to a suitable aeroplane of accuracy.

Back inwards the days when maths was all done past times hand, they were by together with large happy amongst 'accurate enough' together with didn't insist on exactness. In fact inwards 'A Shorter Algebra' it says,

"Results inwards surds are only practically useful when expressed every bit decimals".

It seems that although surds were oft used for efficient workings, numerical answers were rarely given inwards surd form. Here nosotros come across that rationalising the denominator is done to brand numerical calculations easier, because multiplying past times a decimal is easier than dividing past times a decimal:
Though nosotros all know together with purpose the phrase 'simplest form' to pull a surd that has been simplified, I'm non certain that many of us purpose the term 'entire surd' to pull an unsimplifed surd.
Textbooks used to characteristic exercises where students had to convert simplified surds into entire surds - it's rare to come across exercises on this now.

The method for adding surds hasn't changed over the years. We even together with then add together 'like surds' or 'similar surds' (perhaps nosotros to a greater extent than oft advert to them 'like terms' though),

Adding dissimilar surds leaves us amongst a chemical compound surd ('an human face involving 2 or to a greater extent than surds'):
And the procedure for rationalising hasn't changed over the final 130 years. We multiply the denominator past times a 'rationalising factor'. Where necessary, the rationalising cistron volition hold upwardly the conjugate of the denominator. We even together with then advert to the conjugate at 1 time - it's proficient that at to the lowest degree closed to of the formal linguistic communication has non been lost.
Of course, measure problems inwards the 1960s were far harder than they are now.
I don't request to tell you lot that exercises used to hold upwardly a lot longer together with to a greater extent than challenging than they are inwards most modern maths classrooms. Here's an instance of an practise on rationalising - this 1 is from 1885. Note that the kickoff x questions are only for practising finding the production of 2 conjugates:

Notice the tricky typesetting of those pesky vinculums!

For comparison, modern textbooks accept only one-half a dozen questions on the same skill.

The books I accept been looking at (one from 1885, 1 from 1927 together with 1 from 1961) popular off on amongst foursquare rooting binomial surds together with solving 'irrational equations'. I could include a lot to a greater extent than most surds here, but to hold this postal service to a reasonable length I volition larn out it there! You larn the take in - a lot has changed, all except the mathematics itself.

I've late bought loads of quondam textbooks from the early on 1900s together with am hoping to produce a presentation most them at an upcoming conference (possibly #mathsconf17), together with then if you lot respect this materials interesting produce come upwardly along.

Part of my quondam textbook collection!