Saturday, September 24, 2016

Maths Anxiety

A lot has been written close maths anxiety inwards children. I possess got a Year vii pupil who ever complains that he 'can't do it' earlier he's fifty-fifty tried. It's clear to me where his anxiety stems from - dissimilar his peers, he doesn't know his times tables well, which makes many elementary tasks (long multiplication, simplifying fractions etc) actually hard for him.

But this postal service isn't close maths anxiety inwards students. It's close maths anxiety inwards maths teachers. Whatever your job, when you lot stand upwardly up as well as tell you're an adept at something, you lot naturally experience roughly anxiety that you'll larn caught out. This isn't something unique to teaching. In my previous career inwards banking I oft worried that I'd travel asked a inquiry that I couldn't answer. 

I experience most of my maths anxiety on Twitter, where I worry close proverb something stupid as well as beingness publicly criticised past times clever mathematicians. But I also sometimes experience a combat of maths anxiety inwards the classroom. I'm willing to bet that roughly of you lot do too.

1. The 'stupid fault on the board' anxiety
I do this agency to a greater extent than than I should! It's harder than it looks to simultaneously solve a mathematical problem, write on the board, address a shape of 34 students, deal behaviour, as well as a thou other things all at the same time. It's fairly mutual for me to tell the release v as I write the release eight, as well as other as empty-headed things. When I taught at a girls' grammer schoolhouse my students didn't possess got much tolerance for empty-headed mistakes so I used to permit it larn to me, but right away my lovely students simply express joy amongst me, so I possess got to a greater extent than of a feel of humor close it.

It's goodness for students to reckon a existent somebody doing existent maths, as well as making mistakes inwards the same agency they do. It volition in all likelihood brand them experience ameliorate close their ain anxieties.
The worst thing is when no i notices, because that suggests that no i was paying attention! In a recent Year 12 lesson I made a mess of my solutions to a trigonometric equation (temporary craziness amongst the symmetry of a cosine graph) as well as no i said anything until after inwards the lesson when a pupil was looking dorsum over his notes. Was no i fifty-fifty next what I was doing on the board? That's to a greater extent than worrying than me making a fault inwards the get-go place!

2. The 'genius inwards the class' anxiety
It's taken me a piece to convey that roughly students may travel ameliorate at maths than me! Last twelvemonth I taught a actually clever Year thirteen Further Maths shape as well as they for sure kept me on my toes. Twice I had to tweet during a lesson to enquire for assist on questions they'd asked me!

Over the years I've got a lot ameliorate at proverb 'I'll mean value close it as well as larn dorsum to you' if I'm asked a specially tricky question. Then it's actually satisfying when I operate it out as well as am able to plough over them a goodness answer. 

3. The 'mind blank' anxiety
Often when I'm out for a repast amongst friends, they'll enquire me to carve upwardly the bill. Inevitably I'll possess got a full hear blank as well as completely forget how to do a elementary division. It tin travel hard to do mental maths nether pressure.
Of course, maths teachers are used to having maths problems sprung on them out of the blue. It's mutual for students to of a abrupt enquire you lot to banking enterprise gibe an reply or figure out where they went wrong. It's absolutely fine to convey a duo of minutes to hold off through their work. We set unnecessary pressure level on ourselves.

4. The 'I possess got no watch how to do this question' anxiety
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lovely colleague of mine was late teaching algebraic proof to Year xi when she got stumped on this example, which she'd taken from the AQA Teaching Guidance:

Prove that the production of 3 consecutive positive integers must ever travel a multiple of 6

She wrote n(n+1)(n+2) on the board and expanded it, but as well as then she got stuck. Her students waited piece she struggled to operate out what to do next. She gave upwardly as well as admitted she didn't know, as well as they said, "Miss, if you lot can't do it, what run a hazard possess got nosotros got?". She was embarrassed as well as frustrated after the lesson. She asked me how to do it - I only knew because I've seen a similar inquiry before. Things larn easier amongst experience.

5. The 'I've never taught this before' anxiety
I was seriously rubbish the get-go fourth dimension I taught C4 integration. Now I'm on my 5th fourth dimension teaching it, I'm a i thou 1000 times ameliorate - inwards fact I right away actually bask it.

The get-go fourth dimension nosotros instruct a novel topic, nosotros tin experience similar we're only i stride ahead of our students. There are roughly novel GCSE topics that many teachers haven't taught before. In this illustration it mightiness travel helpful to sentinel a video (eg Corbett Maths or Hegarty Maths) inwards advance - hearing roughly other instructor explicate a theme is actually goodness grooming for teaching.

If you lot endure from whatsoever maths instructor anxiety, I tin assure you lot that you're non alone. Here are a few words of advice: 
  • Admit to whatsoever empty-headed mistakes you lot brand inwards lessons, as well as travel relaxed close it. Encourage your students to tell you lot as shortly as they spot something.
  • I'm sure you're awesome at maths. Of course of pedagogy you lot are. It's crazy to fifty-fifty uncertainty that. Being goodness at maths isn't something that goes away amongst age. Sure, nosotros forget things, but we're smart plenty to alternative things upwardly quickly. One of the joys of maths is getting the correct answers, as well as you lot larn plenty of correct answers, so don't permit the strange empty-headed fault suck the fun out of it.
  • Mental arithmetics hear blanks inwards lessons are easily dealt amongst - simply throw the inquiry out to the class. Someone volition larn it right, as well as if non as well as then you've bought plenty fourth dimension to operate it out.
  • If you lot truly aren't confident amongst a theme as well as you lot brand errors that become beyond 'silly mistakes', as well as then you lot do demand to create that as a affair of priority. Perhaps a combat to a greater extent than practise inwards advance of the lesson would travel a goodness idea. The get-go fourth dimension I taught FP1 I completed all the examples as well as exercises earlier every lesson. It's fourth dimension consuming but important.
  • Don't permit your students know if you lot lack confidence or you lot don't know a theme well. It's actually of import that they trust you. I know a instructor who late told every rear at Parents Evening that she's an NQT as well as non alone sure what she's doing. This is non a goodness idea! It undermines your authority. Even if you lot don't experience confident as well as enthusiastic, you lot must come across as confident as well as enthusiastic during lessons.
  • Know that it gets ameliorate amongst experience, as well as that if things don't ever become to innovation now, don't worry - inwards a few years it volition travel easier. You'll withal brand mistakes inwards lessons sometimes, because you're human. And that's ok.

Gem Awards 2017

This calendar week it's the tertiary anniversary of It's conk a tradition for me to grade the anniversary of my spider web log past times publishing an annual 'Gem Awards' post. Here I hold off dorsum at all the ideas I've shared inward my gems posts over the end twelvemonth together with request some of my favourites.

1. CPD Award
This abide by goes to Craig Barton, whose vivid podcasts accept been a really welcome improver to the basis of maths pedagogy over the end year. In his epic podcasts, Craig talks to a broad hit of people close teaching maths, from classroom teachers to basis famous pedagogy experts. Every episode gives us lots to intend about.
Special advert to La Salle Education for continuing to run affordable, accessible, high character conferences all twelvemonth round. I actually beloved their conferences together with am really grateful for everything they contribute to the evolution of the maths teaching community.

2. Best New Resources
The winner of this abide by is Gems 59 together with accept since added all the links to my resources libraries. These good written questions are tardily to use, printing nicely onto A5, together with come upward amongst answers.
Special advert to Edexcel who actually came to our rescue for some novel GCSE topics amongst their laid upward of Gems 64.

I should also advert my all fourth dimension favourite resources makers Don Steward together with MathsPad, who accept continued to make vivid resources all twelvemonth round.

3. Subject Knowledge Award
I intend that 1 of the most of import things a maths instructor tin hit the sack practise is continually lift their discipline knowledge, no thing how experienced they are. This abide by goes to instructor trainer Ed Southall, who is leading the agency on developing maths instructor discipline knowledge. His lately published majority 'here. Ed ofttimes delivers discipline noesis presentations at conferences together with has also lately started making videos which are good worth a look.

4. Best TES Resource Author
This abide by goes to Dan Walker, maker of outstanding resources for Key Stage three to 5. I wrote all close his resources inward this post together with thus practise accept a read to come across lots of wonderful examples.

5. Best New Website
This abide by goes to Clarissa Grandi - the artiest maths instructor I know. I wrote close her beautiful website Gems 57. It features classroom displays, creative lesson ideas together with extra-curricular activities.

Special advert to Darren Carter for his website It is super slick together with tardily to navigate, at in 1 lawsuit providing questions together with answers for busy maths teachers. And because the answers are together with thus accessible, it's a goodness revision tool for students to move at abode too.

6. Best Video
This abide by goes to the 'Gems 60. I showed it to my Year seven degree together with they had a 1 M 1000 questions close units afterwards! I'd never seen them together with thus interested inward anything before.

Special advert to 3Blue1Brown for their first-class hit of videos, including the vectors video that I enjoyed sharing amongst my Year 13s.

7. Best Problems
This abide by goes to Underground Mathematics for continuing to expand their collection of first-class H5N1 bird problems.

I should also advert Gem Awards 2015. I even together with thus relish next their Facebook posts - many of their problems are suitable for my students.

8. Best Teacher Support
The White Rose Maths Hub definitely deserves an abide by for the huge amount of back upward that they offering to schools all over the country. Their schemes of work for both principal together with secondary schools are actually useful. Their assessments are also excellent, together with they accept lately launched a collection of multiple selection questions on 1 of my favourite websites - These questions are aimed at principal schools simply I regularly move them amongst my Year 7s.
Special advert goes to the Mathematical Association - their Twitter account is an absolute 'must follow' for maths teachers, keeping us all up-to-date on intelligence together with developments inward maths education.

9. Best Interactive Tool
This abide by goes to MathsPad for their first-class exterior angles tool. MathsPad has a groovy hit of character interactive tools for demonstrating concepts.

Special advert to the zoomable issue line on - my Year 7s were genuinely excited when I used it inward a house value lesson.

10. Lifetime Achievement
John Corbett is definitely every bit good immature to have a Lifetime Achievement Award! But I'm giving him 1 anyway. His awesome website this post. Thank y'all John - you're amazing!

That's it for the 2017 Gem Awards! What a fantastic collection of ideas together with resources. Thank y'all to everyone who tweets close what they've tried inward their classroom. It's together with thus inspirational. If y'all desire to read to a greater extent than Maths Gems, there's an index Gem Awards 2016 together with Gem Awards 2015 too.

Finally, land we're on the discipline of awards, I'd similar to state an enormous give thank y'all you to all of my readers for their ongoing support. I'm incredibly pleased to state that I won the Individual Education category at the Great Britain Blog Awards 2017. I intend this may hold out 1 of my greatest achievements ever, together with I couldn't hold out to a greater extent than happy. I'm genuinely grateful to all my readers.

Structured Revision Lessons

Revision flavor is upon us! I mainly instruct examination classes (Year 11, 12 together with 13) therefore examination grooming is currently a big focus for me. For Year 12 I experience a feel of urgency - I alone finished teaching the C2 specification yesterday together with their C1 examination is fast approaching. Eek.

Thankfully I finished teaching my Year 11s the GCSE specification at the goal of final term, leaving me a proficient twenty lessons for revision. I instruct a transcend develop - their target grades hit from five to 8 together with I hollo upwards their electrical flow grades in all likelihood hit from iv to 9.

Throughout the twelvemonth I've been drawing upwards a listing of topics that I request to reteach. The listing is really long! It includes indices, constructions, bounds, congruence, linear graphs together with algebraic fractions. This data generally came from mark mocks, plus the weekly quizzes we've done over the final 2 years. I too used AQA's revision list to banking enterprise jibe that I hadn't missed anything on the specification. 

Unlike previous years, I'm next a develop format inwards my Year xi revision lessons. Routine industrial plant good amongst my students. 

On arrival to each lesson they notice a Corbett Maths 5-a-day on their desk. This is printed on A5, double sided. On the front end is a develop of Higher questions, on the dorsum is Higher Plus. This combination is precisely the correct pitch for my students - fifty-fifty the strongest are finding the Higher Plus questions sufficiently challenging, therefore no i is getting bored. These 5-a-day exercises are perfect for getting students to revise a mixture of topics, including the topics that I can't devote an entire revision lesson to. When they larn stuck they inquire me for manage or confer amongst a friend. It takes quite a piece for my students to operate through these questions - a proficient xv to twenty minutes to consummate both sides. Then I become through the answers, briefly summarising the primal points for each of the topics covered.

This leaves me one-half the lesson to focus on a detail topic - for illustration i lesson final calendar week focused on circle theorems, or therefore other on similarity. I verbalize for most 10 to xv minutes, reminding my students of the primal points together with mutual misconceptions, together with running through an examination enquiry or two. Some years agone I realised the importance of this teacher-led instructional chemical factor of revision lessons. If they're struggling amongst a topic, they won't magically larn ameliorate without or therefore additional teaching.

I together with therefore plow over them xv to twenty minutes worth of practise questions focused on that topic. For illustration inwards my revision lesson on chemical compound measures they completed Papers Society. Churchill papers are quite challenging. Next calendar week I intend to start quizzing my course of report on facts together with formulae. But most of my lessons volition proceed to follow the format described above.

Three weeks together with counting until the outset GCSE exam!

Maths Exam Meme Posters from Paul Collins

Friday, September 23, 2016

Schools Calendar Week Article

I wrote an opinion piece for Schools Week - produce accept a read together with permit me know what you lot think.

This follows on from my article close maths instructor shortages together with the novel GCSE that was published inwards Schools Week inwards Dec 2014.

#Mathscpdchat - Twelvemonth Vii Topics

I'm hosting #mathscpdchat betwixt 7pm together with 8pm on Tuesday ninth May. We'll last discussing what topics are taught inward Year 7, together with inward what order. To bring together inward the discussion, delight tweet your thoughts, making certain yous include the hashtag #mathscpdchat inward your tweet. I'd beloved to encounter a screenshot of your school's Year seven curriculum together with take away heed what plant good together with what doesn't.

To start us off, hither are a few examples:

Don Steward sent me his Year seven curriculum, shown below.
Don believes that nosotros should ensure that Year seven is non only a repeat of Year 6. What strikes me most close his curriculum is the explorations that characteristic throughout the twelvemonth (notably inward the firstly ii weeks), together with the broad arrive at of attainment topics. From a student's perspective, there's lots of new, exciting mathematics here.

The White Rose Maths Hub has produced a really dissimilar Year seven Programme of Study - the overview is shown below. Much of Year seven is spent developing cardinal reveal concepts. The thought is that students who are successful amongst reveal are to a greater extent than confident mathematicians together with meliorate equipped to tackle the topics that follow. With 'mastery' existence all the rage at the moment, I intend that a lot of schools convey started moving towards this approach.
H5N1 few years agone I read close the didactics social club that Bruno Reddy developed during his fourth dimension at King Solomon Academy (he blogged close it here). At the fourth dimension I was struck yesteryear the contrast betwixt this curriculum together with the Key Stage three curriculum I was used to. Calculating the hateful features inward multiplication together with division. Proportion is paired amongst pie charts. Bruno wrote,
"You should discovery that to a greater extent than fourth dimension is given to reveal locomote at the kickoff of twelvemonth seven (especially times tables), nosotros pass i half-term at a fourth dimension didactics a theme rather than 2 weeks, approximately things are ‘missing’ (because they’re taught inward KS4), we’ve tried to carve upwardly minimally dissimilar concepts together with we’ve thought carefully close the social club things are taught inward together with so that all the spell we’re edifice on locomote on of prior learning."
Kangaroo Maths is a pop root of Schemes of Works. The instance below is for Year 7s working at the minimum expected measure at the goal of Key Stage 2. This is only the unit of measurement overview, yous tin encounter a lot to a greater extent than particular here.
In my ain schoolhouse nosotros are currently developing our Year seven curriculum. We tried something novel this twelvemonth but nosotros nonetheless demand to brand approximately tweaks. I felt that negatives numbers came likewise like shooting fish in a barrel inward the year, featuring at the goal of the summertime term. Changing a Year seven curriculum is a big undertaking equally it has a knock-on acquit upon on the Schemes of Work of all other twelvemonth groups. Assessments, together with perhaps other resources similar homework booklets, also demand to last re-written, which is actually fourth dimension consuming.

I'd beloved to take away heed close your experiences inward developing together with delivering Year seven curricula. Tell me how yous start the year, say me what topics link good together, together with say me how yous educate enthusiastic, inquisitive mathematicians. I'd also similar to take away heed how yous assess Year seven together with at what phase yous make whatsoever baseline assessment. What plant good for you? Please bring together inward #mathscpdchat on Tuesday to allow me know your thoughts.

Book Straightaway For #Summaths

I actually enjoyed running #christmaths events inwards 2015 as well as 2016 but this twelvemonth I'm doing something a chip different. My annual social as well as enrichment resultant for maths teachers has moved to the summertime holidays!

#summaths volition accept house on the Lord's Day of the August banking concern vacation weekend. It's simply earlier close of us showtime the novel schoolhouse year, thus perfect timing to endure inspired.

If you've never been to Bletchley Park earlier as well as thus yous are inwards for a treat. It's bright in that location - I absolutely dear it. I've negotiated discounted entry, addition you'll endure able to attend Enigma workshops spell you're there. Later inwards the solar daytime yous tin forcefulness out catch The National Museum of Computing side yesteryear side door which is total of the close fascinating geekiest materials you'll always see. 

Socialising is an of import purpose of my events! If yous tin forcefulness out rest for the evening, bring together us inwards the pub. It's a banking concern vacation thus no 1 has to wake upwards early on the side yesteryear side morning! Book a room if you're coming from a long agency away - it's less than £50. I'll encounter yous for a hungover breakfast inwards the morning...

All the details tin forcefulness out endure establish at Book your ticket chop-chop - in that location are exclusively lxxx places available thus I await this to sell out. Everyone welcome!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

5 Maths Gems #72

Welcome to my 72nd gems post. This is where I portion about of the latest news, ideas as well as resources for maths teachers.

1. Solve Me Puzzles
Back inwards Gems 17 I shared the first-class Mobiles problems on People got quite excited close these at the time. Thanks to a recent tweet from Daniel Finkel (@MathforLove), I discovered that this website has expanded. The novel section, Who Am I?, consists of hundreds of delightful lilliputian number puzzles which kickoff off slow as well as larn much harder. These are adorable.
The Mystery Grids are also excellent. Do explore - it's a nifty website.

2. Underground Maths
There has been a lot of buzz close Schools Week article as well as attended Maths inwards the Sticks. In instance you lot missed anything, hither are about of my most recent weblog posts:

My 9 - i Revision Resources postal service has been pop lately, reaching almost 20,000 views. Do banking venture stand upward for out my A marker Revision Resources postal service likewise - I've added a few novel activities.

As role of the TES Maths Panel I helped describe together a novel GCSE resources characteristic which is good worth checking out. There are 4 recommended TES resources listed for every unmarried GCSE topic. It's an impressive collection! I intend these pages volition actually speed upward the procedure of finding expert resources.

If you lot desire to come upward to my #summaths number at Bletchley Park hence majority soon! In entirely 3 days I've sold 24 out of eighty tickets. Exciting!

Calculators For The Novel A Level

In September over 100 students at my schoolhouse volition survive starting the novel H5N1 marking course. I've been trying to discovery out just what estimator they volition postulate as well as how they tin sack acquire the best deal.

I'll tell upfront that I am most definitely not a estimator person. Some maths teachers acquire actually excited nearly calculators. I don't. I lost my lovely 20-year-old estimator final twelvemonth therefore bought the Casio 991EX ClassWiz at #mathsconf8 inward October. I've solely used it for touchstone calculations therefore far, as well as my principal thoughts are: (a) the font is weird (b) the menus are quite user-friendly as well as (c) the white illustration gets muddied quickly. That's nearly it. People who honey calculators seem to really love the ClassWiz. It has some neat features - if you're interested, this review on Amazon gives some insight into the functionality that people are getting excited about.

The ClassWiz is non the solely estimator that's suitable for the novel H5N1 marking (do banking company check out the TI-30X Pro too). But I accept a feeling that the ClassWiz volition survive the ane that most novel H5N1 marking students are told purchase inward September, which is why I'm focusing on the ClassWiz inward this post.

Around 100,000 students volition each pass over £20 on a novel estimator this September. £2,000,000 spent on calculators is a actually large deal. So earlier our students collectively attain Casio this vast amount of money, I postulate to survive sure that it's absolutely necessary.

This extract is from MEI's website:
"Ofqual's subject-level weather as well as requirements for Mathematics as well as Further Mathematics ground that calculators used must include the next features:
  • an iterative function
  • the powerfulness to compute summary statistics as well as access probabilities from touchstone statistical distributions
  • the powerfulness to perform calculations amongst matrices upwards to at to the lowest degree gild 3 x 3 (FM only)
For the 2017 H5N1 levels students volition require a estimator that tin sack calculate Binomial as well as Normal probabilities straight from values. The minimum touchstone for this is an advanced scientific calculator, such equally the Casio 991EX ClassWiz or the TI-30X Pro..."

Just to clarify - H5N1 marking maths students volition likely already accept a estimator from GCSE that does everything they postulate - except binomial probabilities. This is the ane matter that they volition postulate to purchase a novel estimator for.

Everything else that the ClassWiz does that electrical current calculators don't create is a 'nice to have' for the novel H5N1 marking but non essential. It does create some cool stuff, but deport inward hear that the extent to which 'nice to have' functionality is used depends heavily on whether teachers know how to utilisation the functionality themselves as well as accept plenty fourth dimension to learn it to their students. My agreement is that timing for the novel H5N1 marking is going to survive actually tight equally it is (my schoolhouse has nine hours a fortnight at H5N1 marking as well as I'm told that it likely won't survive plenty fourth dimension to acquire through the content). Given fourth dimension constraints as well as huge cast sizes, I can't run into that I'll survive spending much (if any) fourth dimension on whatever non-essential estimator skills.

We're told that in that place is forthwith a 'requirement for the utilisation of technology scientific discipline to permeate teaching as well as learning' at H5N1 level. I'm a large fan of using Desmos inward lessons - most H5N1 marking maths teachers accept been doing this for years anyway. Desmos is free, slowly to utilisation as well as plant good on students' phones. The large information laid piece of job volition likely survive done inward Excel or Geogebra therefore I jurist I'll survive booking information technology rooms for that when the fourth dimension comes (which is easier said than done!).

People who are looking to build coin from estimator sales mightiness endeavour to convince teachers that graphical calculators are a requirement for the novel H5N1 level. This is misleading. I'll stick amongst Desmos. Graphical calculators create offering some benefits to students but fifty-fifty the newest models are dated as well as unintuitive. The article "Pricey Graphing Calculators Could Be Headed for Extinction" is worth a read. In many schools this expensive equipment ends upwards sitting unused inward a closet subsequently a twelvemonth or two. However, if you're skilled at using graphical calculators as well as yous accept the fourth dimension to learn your students how to utilisation them properly, as well as therefore that's cracking - past times all way purchase them for your students (they're expensive therefore this unlikely to survive an alternative inward large schools) or inquire students to purchase ane themselves (probably solely an alternative inward private schools).

So, inward summary, for H5N1 marking maths it is essential that students purchase a novel calculator, purely for binomial probabilities, as well as the ClassWiz is a sensible pick for most students.

Where to buy
On H5N1 marking induction 24-hour interval side past times side month, I'll tell my students that they volition accept to purchase a novel estimator inward September (once they've confirmed they are definitely taking maths). I would similar them to purchase their calculators through high street retailers.

Presumably the kickoff calendar month or therefore of maths H5N1 marking volition focus on non-calculator topics that were previously inward C1, therefore Oct half-term mightiness survive a reasonable deadline for students to purchase their novel calculator.

Casio tells me that the ClassWiz volition striking retailers inward 'maybe September', but likely at a higher toll than they are currently on sale for. H5N1 chip to a greater extent than certainty on dates would survive helpful - this is all a chip besides final infinitesimal for me. I'm frustrated past times Casio's approach here. I really much promise that Casio has plenty stock to cater for huge levels of need inward September.

Casio warns to avoid buying the ClassWiz from Amazon at the 2d because 'they sell non United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland imports'. The ClassWiz currently existence sold on Amazon for £32.50 comes amongst unusual linguistic communication instruction manuals.

Many schools are buying calculators inward mass for their teachers to use, or to sell to their students. Sources of calculators include:

There may survive discounts for mass orders. VAT tin sack survive reclaimed if the calculators are for schoolhouse use, but non if sold to students.

I'm reluctant to purchase inward mass as well as sell to students because we've had nightmares amongst this inward the past times (does anyone desire to purchase 3 unopened boxes of build novel C2 textbooks from us? Didn't recall so). I'd rather students took responsibleness for their ain estimator purchase.

Dr Frost is an absolute superstar as well as has created a bright free tool for preparation staff as well as students inward how to utilisation the ClassWiz. It's a PowerPoint guide explaining every primal as well as mode.
Casio offers an emulator, but the licence is £9.95 + VAT per twelvemonth per computer.

If yous desire your squad to survive trained on how to utilisation all the functionality on the ClassWiz, mayhap verbalize to your local Maths Hub. This sure enough seems similar something the Maths Hubs could usefully offering inward July as well as September if they accept the expertise. The FMSP is offering numerous gratuitous calculator events but these sessions focus on graphical calculators, non the ClassWiz.

Calculator suppliers are non the solely companies cashing inward on the modify to H5N1 levels as well as GCSEs. Textbook publishers are benefiting too. With such express funds inward instruction - redundancies, growing cast sizes as well as leaking roofs - this is a frustrating utilisation of populace money. Curriculum modify is an expensive business.

People accept said to me that 'kids these days' don't recall twice nearly buying the latest iPhone therefore £30 for a estimator isn't a large deal. Perhaps it's non a large bargain on an private basis, but I'm looking at the bigger moving painting - over £2 million. That's a large deal.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Today is Peter Mattock's weblog post explains how you lot tin learn involved. I did non accept the privilege of coming together Malcolm Swan myself, though I was lucky plenty to hold upward introduced to his awesome Standards Unit resources during my PGCE. Since too thus I accept blogged a release of times most his resources, including my posts 'Classic Resources' too 'The Hidden Treasures of Shell Centre'. If you're non familiar alongside the operate of Malcolm Swan, I recommend that you lot read his obituary inward The Guardian too this lovely tribute from MEI.

In this post service I portion 4 examples of my favourite Malcolm Swan resources - those of the Mathematics Assessment Project. This projection was based inward America merely I honor that many of the resources operate good inward my classroom, from Key Stage iii through to Key Stage 5.

1. Describing too Defining Quadrilaterals
I used to dislike teaching quadrilateral properties - I couldn't honor whatever adept resources that helped me assess my students' understanding. Then I discovered Describing too Defining Quadrilaterals from Malcolm Swan too his squad at the Mathematics Assessment Project. The lesson materials include give-and-take prompts too assessment tasks. As inward the Standards Unit, misconceptions are highlighted...

...and roughly elements of the lesson are scripted.

The resources provided are excellent, including this lovely activity:

2. Using Standard Algorithms for Number Operations 
This lesson is intended to better students' conceptual agreement of why too how written methods of arithmetics operate (such equally column addition) too prepare procedural fluency. Again, the lesson materials include questioning prompts too potential misconceptions. Tasks include 'Getting it Wrong':

3. Classifying Equations of Parallel too Perpendicular Lines
This lesson industrial plant good at both GCSE too Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level. I shout out back giving the chore below to my Year 10s for a homework final yr too existence surprised past times how difficult they flora it.

The lesson materials are packed amount of first-class tasks, including this:

... too a collaborative chore inward which students accept to grouping equations of at in i lawsuit lines according to their properties.

4. Applying Angle Theorems
In this lesson students are presented alongside 4 option methods for solving this angle problem:
The chore requires students to brand feel of the dissimilar methods too evaluate each approach.

There are loads of first-class resources to explore on the Mathematics Assessment Project website, from full lessons to curt assessment tasks (which operate actually good equally homeworks). Do explore this website if you lot haven't already - Malcolm Swan was an absolute legend, too his resources are a will to his brilliance.

New A Degree Timings

After examination flavor is over, I hold off that Heads of Maths too Key Stage five Coordinators all over the province volition endure making plans for delivering the novel Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 aeroplane from September.

Timings at Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 aeroplane e'er brand me nervous. I loathe having to rush my teaching. Linear Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 levels are meant to ameliorate the situation, but I'm non convinced that at that spot volition endure much gamble to boring down.

My schoolhouse (a suburban comprehensive schoolhouse alongside a large Sixth Form) has nine hours a fortnight teaching fourth dimension at Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level. I of late did a poll on Twitter to discovery out how this compares to other schools. Here are the results:
At my previous schoolhouse I solely had 8 hours a fortnight too it worked fine, mainly because the vast bulk of my students got an A* inwards their maths GCSE. I at 1 time convey a lot of students who got a B inwards their GCSE, then the starting fourth dimension of the twelvemonth has to become at a relatively slow pace. Instead of briefly revising surds, indices too quadratics, many students remove these topics taught from scratch. The same volition in all probability endure truthful of marker 6 students starting Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 aeroplane maths this September.

Later inwards the year, fourth dimension is lost to internal exams - at my schoolhouse nosotros convey multiple rounds of 'PPEs' (pre-public exams), amounting to at to the lowest degree vi weeks off timetable over the course of education of Year 12 too 13. Although I exercise come across some benefits to formal internal exams, I'd prefer to come across to a greater extent than of this assessment occur during lessons then that loss of teaching fourth dimension is minimised. 

If a burn downwardly warning goes off when I'm teaching Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 aeroplane I desire to cry! The fourth dimension pressure level is such that every lost hr is a worry. Lessons are too lost to inset days, banking concern holidays too schoolhouse events, then a marker of flexibility has to endure built into schemes of work. 

By my calculations, I volition convey some 270 hours inwards which to deliver the novel Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 aeroplane over 2 years. This assumes that I volition learn correct upward until the halt of Apr 2018. 

Edexcel's scheme of work recommends 360 hours. So I'm ninety hours under. Eek.

Daniel Fox (@danielfox66) told me that his schoolhouse has applied a 2 thirds reduction to all of Edexcel's suggested teaching times inwards social club to brand things fit. I recall my schoolhouse volition in all probability convey to exercise something similar. Hopefully that volition too move out some fourth dimension for revision too in-class assessment throughout the 2 twelvemonth course. 

Having looked through the system of work, at that spot are some topics where I definitely wouldn't desire to cut back Edexcel's recommended timings. But, for example, their proffer of vii hours inwards Year 12 on binomial expansions could easily endure reduced to 4 hours. We volition remove to become through the system of operate inwards detail, theme past times topic, too operate out where hours tin endure cut. I think it's feasible, it simply requires a chip of work. 

Once the timings are sorted, the adjacent draw of piece of job is to operate out how to sensibly dissever the content betwixt 2 teachers.

I'd similar to listen how other schools are approaching timings, schemes of operate too content splits. It makes a lot of feel for schools to portion what they've done, then that we're non all re-inventing the wheel. Please arrive impact through Twitter or past times commenting below.

5 Maths Gems #73

Welcome to my 73rd gems post. This is where I percentage simply about of the latest news, ideas too resources for maths teachers.

1. GCSE Paper 2 too 3
So, we've had the start novel GCSE papers! Like everyone else, I was total of nerves too excitement on the day. Years of grooming too it in conclusion happened. Many teachers volition encounter their Year eleven students for revision sessions at simply about betoken over the side past times side 2 weeks. If you're looking for resources for those sessions, depository fiscal establishment agree out for practise papers. Students should drib dead along to revise all topics, fifty-fifty if they appeared on Paper 1, but these resources are helpful for focusing specifically on topics that haven't even thus come upwards up.
2. GCSE Workout
Sticking amongst GCSE revision - a lot of people (including me) used @Adam SmithMathsnon-calculator Higher workout with their Year 11s the 24-hour interval earlier Paper 1. It took my students a skillful 45 minutes to complete, too uncovered a release of gaps inwards their knowledge. I've instantly made a reckoner version - you lot tin download this Higher GCSE workout from TES. Thanks to @onechriswhite who has made a helpful tip sheet to learn amongst this resource

I've also created 2 shorter reckoner workouts. These are intended to endure used inwards pre-exam breakfast revision sessions too should each accept fifteen - thirty minutes. You tin download my breakfast workouts from TES.
I've Adam Creen's post where he has collated all the practise papers for Edexcel that were made afterwards Paper 1. There's a lot to direct from! If you're AQA too then caput over to for practise papers. Students should drib dead along to revise all topics, fifty-fifty if they appeared on Paper 1, but these resources are helpful for focusing specifically on topics that haven't even thus come upwards up.
2. GCSE Workout
Sticking amongst GCSE revision - a lot of people (including me) used @Adam SmithMathsnon-calculator Higher workout with their Year 11s the 24-hour interval earlier Paper 1. It took my students a skillful 45 minutes to complete, too uncovered a release of gaps inwards their knowledge. I've instantly made a reckoner version - you lot tin download this Higher GCSE workout from TES. Thanks to @onechriswhite who has made a helpful tip sheet to learn amongst this resource

I've also created 2 shorter reckoner workouts. These are intended to endure used inwards pre-exam breakfast revision sessions too should each accept fifteen - thirty minutes. You tin download my breakfast workouts from TES.
I've mentioned before that intermediate papers are a skillful source of GCSE practise questions, too it turns out that an intermediate inquiry from 1997 was reused inwards this year's Edexcel Paper 1 (both Foundation too Higher) - thank you lot to Jo Weaver for spotting this. This is something to acquit inwards heed for futurity years - old intermediate questions likely won't endure used again, but intermediate papers rest a helpful resources for GCSE students.

3. Parabolator
On the strange occasion that I brand my ain resources, I sometimes involve an online tool to sketch a uncomplicated graph. When I made my for practise papers. Students should drib dead along to revise all topics, fifty-fifty if they appeared on Paper 1, but these resources are helpful for focusing specifically on topics that haven't even thus come upwards up.
2. GCSE Workout
Sticking amongst GCSE revision - a lot of people (including me) used @Adam SmithMathsnon-calculator Higher workout with their Year 11s the 24-hour interval earlier Paper 1. It took my students a skillful 45 minutes to complete, too uncovered a release of gaps inwards their knowledge. I've instantly made a reckoner version - you lot tin download this Higher GCSE workout from TES. Thanks to @onechriswhite who has made a helpful tip sheet to learn amongst this resource

I've also created 2 shorter reckoner workouts. These are intended to endure used inwards pre-exam breakfast revision sessions too should each accept fifteen - thirty minutes. You tin download my breakfast workouts from TES.
I've Problem Solving Resources page where you'll discovery like resources for both primary too secondary schoolhouse students.

In example you lot missed them, hither are my recent posts:
  • for practise papers. Students should drib dead along to revise all topics, fifty-fifty if they appeared on Paper 1, but these resources are helpful for focusing specifically on topics that haven't even thus come upwards up.
    2. GCSE Workout
    Sticking amongst GCSE revision - a lot of people (including me) used @Adam SmithMathsnon-calculator Higher workout with their Year 11s the 24-hour interval earlier Paper 1. It took my students a skillful 45 minutes to complete, too uncovered a release of gaps inwards their knowledge. I've instantly made a reckoner version - you lot tin download this Higher GCSE workout from TES. Thanks to @onechriswhite who has made a helpful tip sheet to learn amongst this resource

    I've also created 2 shorter reckoner workouts. These are intended to endure used inwards pre-exam breakfast revision sessions too should each accept fifteen - thirty minutes. You tin download my breakfast workouts from TES.
  • for practise papers. Students should drib dead along to revise all topics, fifty-fifty if they appeared on Paper 1, but these resources are helpful for focusing specifically on topics that haven't even thus come upwards up.
    2. GCSE Workout
    Sticking amongst GCSE revision - a lot of people (including me) used @Adam SmithMathsnon-calculator Higher workout with their Year 11s the 24-hour interval earlier Paper 1. It took my students a skillful 45 minutes to complete, too uncovered a release of gaps inwards their knowledge. I've instantly made a reckoner version - you lot tin download this Higher GCSE workout from TES. Thanks to @onechriswhite who has made a helpful tip sheet to learn amongst this resource

    I've also created 2 shorter reckoner workouts. These are intended to endure used inwards pre-exam breakfast revision sessions too should each accept fifteen - thirty minutes. You tin download my breakfast workouts from TES.
  • for practise papers. Students should drib dead along to revise all topics, fifty-fifty if they appeared on Paper 1, but these resources are helpful for focusing specifically on topics that haven't even thus come upwards up.
    2. GCSE Workout
    Sticking amongst GCSE revision - a lot of people (including me) used @Adam SmithMathsnon-calculator Higher workout with their Year 11s the 24-hour interval earlier Paper 1. It took my students a skillful 45 minutes to complete, too uncovered a release of gaps inwards their knowledge. I've instantly made a reckoner version - you lot tin download this Higher GCSE workout from TES. Thanks to @onechriswhite who has made a helpful tip sheet to learn amongst this resource

    I've also created 2 shorter reckoner workouts. These are intended to endure used inwards pre-exam breakfast revision sessions too should each accept fifteen - thirty minutes. You tin download my breakfast workouts from TES.

Over the coming months I'll likely endure blogging a fair amount nigh preparing for the novel Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level. As shortly equally I learn simply about gained fourth dimension it volition endure my principal focus. There's lots to create - schemes of work, resources, content splits too thus on. I'll endure preparing to instruct mechanics for the start fourth dimension too.

I'm speaking at 2 conferences inwards the coming months - #mathsconf10 inwards London too #mathsconf11 inwards Cardiff. Both are on Saturdays too exclusively damage £25 thus create come upwards along if you lot can. My workshops are business office of a novel serial of talks where I volition await inwards depth at specific topics, speaking nigh approaches, misconceptions too resources.

I volition also endure aid the JustMaths Conference on 27th June which I'm actually looking frontward to.

Tickets are currently on sale for my exciting summertime maths teachers' final result - depository fiscal establishment agree out for details.

On my @Team_Maths1 trouble concern human relationship I've shared simply about classic resources over half-term, thus if you're on Twitter create depository fiscal establishment agree it out.

Finally, I'll exit you lot amongst a prissy puzzle shared by @solvemymaths via @sansu_original. I don't oftentimes brand fourth dimension to assay random maths puzzles but I had a quick learn at this too enjoyed it! What's the ratio AB:BC?